The Aġenzija Sapport helpline – Freephone 153 is aimed for persons with disability and their family members to initiate contact with Aġenzija Sapport when they require any service from the Agency.
Find out moreIntake Team
The Intake Team is the first point of contact for any person seeking to request and initiate services within Aġenzija Sapport.
Find out moreSocial Work Services
Within the Social Work team, Social Workers work with individuals having a disability and their families/guardians, to provide support in relation to their presenting concerns in a holistic and effective way.
Find out moreCarers Scheme – Independent Community Living Monitoring (ICLM) Services
The Independent Community Living Monitoring (ICLM) service within Aġenzija Sapport focuses its resources to provide support and follow up to persons with disability and their families in Malta and in Gozo who benefit from financial subsidy to acquire personal assistance through a carer of their own choice.
Find out moreMy Programme
My Programme provide community-based support to persons with disability and their families in Malta and Gozo.
Find out moreDay Services
The aim of the Day Services is to help persons with disability to continue developing their potential through different types of activities, and to provide support to their families so that such persons can continue living within the community without being socially excluded or institutionalised.
Find out moreSupported Independent Living
The Supported Independent Living Service enables persons with disability to live as independently as possible in the community.
Find out moreOccupational Therapy Services
The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life.
Find out moreService Providers’ Monitoring Team
Respite services can be described as planned or emergency temporary care provided to caregivers of a child or adult with disability.
Find out moreSign Language Interpretation
Aġenzija Sapport offers the service of Sign Language Interpreting for hearing-impaired individuals who use Maltese Sign Language (LSM – Lingwa tas-Sinjali Maltija).
Find out moreSonia Tanti Independent Living Centre (STILC)
The Sonia Tanti Independent Living Centre provides support, information and guidance to persons with disability and their families to lead an independent life within the community.
Find out moreAccess to Communication and Technology Unit (ACTU)
The Access to Communication and Technology Unit (ACTU) provides services to individuals with, complex communication needs; physical and/or sensory difficulties; speech, language and communication needs; and/or learning disabilities; and their families.
Find out moreSharing Lives
Sharing Lives offers opportunities where volunteers together with persons with disabilities, share experiences, create social interactions, befriend persons with disabilities and lead and/or participate to create projects and activities.
Find out moreWay to Work
The Way to Work programme assists persons with disability to strengthen or gain additional skills for employability.
Find out moreEU Disability Card
Persons with disability may apply for an EU Disability Card through Aġenzija Sapport.
Find out more