The aim of the Day Services is to help persons with disability to continue developing their potential through different types of activities, and to provide support to their families so that such persons can continue living within the community without being socially excluded or institutionalised. The Day Services also aim to enhance each service users’ ability in regards to independent living skills and thus empowering them to live as independently as possible and enhance employability skills to the maximum of the service users’ potential and act as active citizens within the community.
The objectives of the service are reached by:
- providing core skilled programmes such as basic skills towards independent living supported by other skills that enhance quality of life;
- developing programmes which enable service users to engage in as many activities as possible within the community, both in occupational nature and leisure activities;
- carrying out programmes of physical and psychological well-being as well as activities that enhance the service users’ educational, social communication, cultural and leisure abilities.
The Day Services support service users to establish links with other individuals, and assist them to benefit from other resources that already exist within the community. At the day centres, service users have the opportunity to engage in music, arts, drama, sports, food preparation, training, memory activities, animal husbandry, computer skills and literacy programmes. Assisted by the Support Workers, the service users also participate in creating cards, pottery, needlework and woodwork items, amongst other products. A variety of events are also organised on a regular basis so that the service users visit places of interest, join in leisure activities, as well as share and enhance their various skills, whilst empowering them to interact with other service users from different centres.
The service users also benefit from the services of Allied Health Professionals, namely Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists, as well as Social Workers if required.