Aġenzija Sapport is a work placement entity offering several students the chance to carry out unpaid placements which are hands-on and relevant to students, from diverse programmes, courses and academic institutions, both local and foreign. 


The goal of such placements is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and experience to supplement courses within the Social Services, HR, Finance and Marketing, and to advance careers within the disability sector. These placements allow students to acquire valuable experience and gain insight on possible future career paths.


The Agency offers placements within most departments, whether administrative in office environments or on the frontline within the services, according to the requirements of the respective course.

How to apply

To apply for a student placement one must be over 18 years old and attending a course which requires placement hours to be awarded a grade or certification through the relevant academic entity.


Those interested in a placement at Aġenzija Sapport, may fill in the application form electronically or download the application and submit it by hand or by post.



Nancy Bayoumi
Nancy Bayoumi
Master of International Humanitarian Action – Erasmus EU Commision program
Role within Aġenzija Sapport
Student on placement
I have done my internship with Sharing Lives as part of my Masters in International Humanitarian Action studies. I have learned a lot from the organisation, on the various types of activities tailored to the disabled person’s needs, for social-engagement and capacity building. During my placement I was involved in the activities and engaged with the candidates, which made me obtain a better understanding of the different types of disabilities. Moreover, the knowledge I have gained from the Agency will help me to design improved humanitarian assistance programmes, on the field to the disabled community. I am grateful for Sharing Lives’ effort and passions in guiding me throughout my internship, as well as connecting me with other agencies to have an overall grasp on the interventions and integration activities taking place within the disability agencies in Malta.
It is an experience to remember!

Ħinijiet tal-ftuħ


Mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa: 08:00 – 16:30

Is-Sibt, il-Ħadd u l-Festi Pubbliċi: Mhux disponibbli

Indirizz: Aġenzija Sapport, Triq Patri Ġwann Azzopardi, Santa Venera SVR 1614

Għal direzzjonijiet agħfas fuq din il-ħolqa

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar din l-iskema, wieħed għandu jibgħat email fuq placements.sapport@gov.mt​ jew iċempel fuq (+356) 2256 8000.

Agħfas fuq din il-ħolqa għall-Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti (FAQs) dwar din l-iskema
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